Thermodynamics of Uncontrolled Combustion
PhD Milovan Vidakovic
The work on fire hazard in the world developed in several directions, with theb same objective: To protect the people and buildings from fire.” Thermodynamics of Uncontrolled Combustion” repreesents an introduction to fire hazard.
Since a building fire is an unrepeatable process ... [more]
Thermodynamics of Uncontrolled Combustion
PhD Milovan Vidakovic
The work on fire hazard in the world developed in several directions, with theb same objective: To protect the people and buildings from fire.” Thermodynamics of Uncontrolled Combustion” repreesents an introduction to fire hazard.
Since a building fire is an unrepeatable process, ... [more]

Fire and architectural engineering
PhD Milovan Vidakovic
Having cited the certain experinces from practice it can be concluded that the selected and applied fire protection solutions frequently do not correspodent to the concrete dangers or are inefficient and insufficient in relation to the purpose, to the technological process in object.
On the occasion of fire protection measures...individual... [more]